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Autumn in Zillertal


Get up close to tradition – the pastures have always played an important role in Tirol’s agriculture. This is why many traditions and customs have sprung up around the summer pastures high up in the mountains over the centuries. The most important one is the cattle descent in autumn, which has its roots in the New Stone Age. A colourful set of traditions were established around the return of cattle and herdsmen over time. The animals were decorated with colourful garlands and walked down to the valley in their finery. For a time, scientists interpreted this decoration of the cattle as a kind of ward against evil spirits. Today, the cows are “garlanded” to celebrate the end of summer and to recall old traditions. Be there as the farmers come down from the pastures to the valley with their colourfully decorated cows. The annual cattle descent with its exciting side events and regional specialities is always a highlight worth visiting in the Erste Ferienregion.

Expected Dates in 2024

Kühe Almabtrieb Fügen

Cattle descent in Fügen

Saturday, 21st of September 2024
In the village center in Fügen



Kühe und Bauern beim Almabtrieb

Cattle descent in Gattererberg

Sunday, 15th of September 2024
At the Gasthof Almluft


Kuhglocken Almabtrieb

Cattle descent in Hart

Saturday, 5th of October 2024
At the Moarhof

Customs in the Zillertal

Cattle descent in Erste Ferienregion

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Kühe Almabtrieb